A friend of mine told me about this particular microwave of a university residence in Melbourne.
Her friend told her not to use the microwave in the common pantry cause one day, while the students there was bored and had nothing to do, they caught a cat *meow!!!*, locked it inside the microwave and turned the timer. Then few minutes later, *TING!*
The cat exploded.
Maybe it looked like this…
To those secretly laughing out there….it’s okay, i laughed when my friend told me that story..ahhahaha
omg, thats so cruel…
god bless da cat …
Story is too gruesome…must be xes creating new stories because he is bored or want more hits :p MuaHAHAHha
If I only knew who did that, I’d seriously lodge a report to the RSPCA. Do not attempt to be cruel to animals as long as I am around … *grin*
sure from melbourne uni wan la tiu..
gavin: hehehe wait till ipost more stories of u..hahahahastinkles: why ler u PETA member is it…weihai: mahai must be from caufield monash la..heheheishin: amenn…tata: hehehe
Xes mahai you think I scared ahh?? mauUAHAHhaha
What’s PETA? If it’s some animal-protection society/club/association, you bet I’ll love to sign up for it! hahaha!
eyer damn cruel.. i like cats 😛 ive heard worse though..
u animal abuser….hahaa..happy tree frens….a sadist cartoon…
did the cat taste good?
stinkles: yaya PETA is an animal activist group…pink and pamela anderson are members of it 😀 fuzzy: heard worst? eh share story la 😀 irene: eh i dont abuse animals okaychuoming: machete is parang la ;D the cat was HOU HOU MEII AHHH ;D
i like happytreefriends. 8″D
aly u damn sadistic la ehehe