Hen came down to Brisbane from Gold Coast. He’ll be staying here until Saturday. Kiang, Umeng, Soon Loong, Jin Han, Hen and I had our customary drinking session. We were playing UNO the whole night and the loser has to bottoms up a mixture of Sprite and Smirnoff. The winner will also be entitled to draw graffiti on the loser’s hands. I drew a penis on Hen’s hand. hehe.
We went wild for few hours, running around and laughing the whole night.
After 3 hours, we were totally drunk. We shifted the beds from the rooms and placed them on the living room so that all of us could sleep together.
However, Umeng couldn’t make it to the bed (he was too drunk), he ended up on the floor till the next morning.
– 1:07AM
We didn’t do much today. Soon Loong and Umeng couldn’t wake up for the early classes due to yesterday’s heavy drinking session. We ended up in the city; walking around and shopping. Hen bought a backpack and I bought a Bota bag (the traditional Spanish wine skin) from a shop selling army accessories. The shop also sells gun replicas (damn they’re heavy!), Samurais swords (aud199 to aud300, wanted to get one but don’t think I could get it through Malaysia custom), crossbows, Mao caps, etc.
Soon Loong had been telling me about the arcade in Brisbane. He said that the players are not good at all. We then walked to a video arcade nearby. I was glad to see a King of Fighters 2001 machine there. Its been weeks since I played a game! I happily inserted 2 tokens to challenge someone. However, within few seconds, I regretted playing. Their fucking buttons are all mixed up! I couldn’t play properly! Predictably, I lost and I left the place disappointed.
They brought me to this place called King George’s Square (its in the city itself). It’s a small garden with fountains and statues scattered around it. And there also lies a huge clock tower next to the garden. We took couple of pictures before returning home so that Hen could cook dinner. His soy chicken and mushrooms is really good!
– 1:42AM
I just had dinner at Sunny Banks (a suburb in Brisbane, about 30minutes from the city). My friends and I had dinner at this small food court which has Vietnamese food, Taiwanese food, Chinese food, steamboat etc. Sharon (oinkie) and her cousin joined us for dinner. Her cousin is only 20 years old this year but surprisingly, she owns a cybercafe in Toowong, drives a big black Holden (some Aussie car) and has her own lawyer. Sounds like a very successful person. However, Sharon told me that her boyfriend died not long ago from an incurable cancer disease. Poor girl. However, throughout the conversation she seems cheerful. And she even gave me a ride on her Holden! Cool!
I had a quick photo session in the evening. My friends took me to South Banks. According to them, it’s one of the great places to take pictures. The city’s panoramic view can be easily admired from the walkway of the bridge that crosses the Brisbane River. However, due to the fact that it is still winter, it gets dark quickly. By the time we reach South Banks, the sun has already set. I was hoping to take some pictures of the city on a sunny day. But I guess I’ll just go on with the photo session. I managed to finish my first roll of film for this Aussie backpacking trip. yay!

– 11:12PM