Economise: JFC!

When times are bad, you have to start economising. Instead of champagne, drink water. Instead of Godiva chocolates, eat Koko Krunch.

I wanted KFC, but decided on an alternative instead – Jusco’s Fried Chicken (JFC)!

Fried chicken from Jusco Supermarket! Cheap!

Even just the 2 piece chicken from KFC cost about RM5.75…

It looked delicious, too. Finger looking licking good?
I mean, if you’re into KFC just for the kitchen chicken, you can afford to forego the side dishes and drinks ya? Or buy your very own bottle of Coke.

Imagine, your money spent on your KFC meal can actually bring you greater joy – in the comfort of your own home!

Yay, to economising!

Wait a minute. It’s not that cheap after all. Scrap that big bottle of Coke.

And the chicken didn’t taste like KFC …

17 thoughts on “Economise: JFC!”

  1. i prefer my dad’s fried chicken which is bigger in size than those u buy in KFC/jusco/ other word, wet market’s chicken is bigger than food outlet’s

  2. das is cheapo. funny enough, i did the same thing on few days back. 8 peice kfc maybe £6 (42 ringgits) but i went for sainsburys supermarket fried chic £3 (21 rinngits)
    Oh, i know i sound like a greedy pig, but 8 peice is the smallest portion the supermarket did! honest 😀

  3. wanna save ar?
    go buy vegetables, cook it or eat ir raw (salad)
    good for health also, summore if you’re facing difficulty in pang sai (shitting) this is a cheap solution =D
    whoa dogma, such a pervert you are :p

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