Freedom Elite @ Bukit Kiara – 22.11.2008

After doing 1600 rope skips, 120 kettle bell lifts and running 1600m at Pushmore and 2 hours of futsal, I wanted to give this event a skip. The last rave I went was in March and I’ve already retired from the scene. But the all-night free flow was just too much for me to resist.

The event was a by invitation only event. There were two venues namely the outdoor and indoor venue. The indoor venue was where the DJs were spinning. The indoor venue was huge and thus comfortably spacious. The bars were serving unlimited number of beers, raspberry vodka and even mineral water!

Cris @ the entrance (Nice shirt)

Cris, ivN, Elaine, May and I immediately headed to the bar to grab some drinks. Cris, ivN and I immediately grabbed two cans of beers – and that was just the beginning. Throughout the night, we had many people giving us beer and raspberry vodka. They should have parties like this many years ago!!

I was almost falling asleep when we arrived at Bukit Kiara. But once I stepped into the indoor venue, I felt like I was back in Melbourne. LCK’s music rocks!!!!

They had some guys on stilts walking around the venue. One of them tripped and fell flat on the floor. Poor chap.

Inevitably, after couple of cans of beer, the toilet was our second hangout place. The toilets were pretty unique this time round. Instead of individual portable toilets, we were given urinals instead. It was so pack until each urinals had at least one guy lining up behind the user. One chap couldn’t take it anymore decided to do his business at the basin. Bahger!!

Initially I thought we would head home by 1am. But the rave was so good until we stayed on until it stopped at around 2:45am. By that time, loads of people were quite drunk. Some were seen sleeping on the floor and grass. One guy came to our spot, sat down and started vomiting.

There will be another free flow event this Saturday at Mines. It’s by invitation only. I won’t be there though. Amos dont call me!

15 thoughts on “Freedom Elite @ Bukit Kiara – 22.11.2008”

  1. aiyo…why didn’t come up to me and say hi?? i was one of them who setup lighting and sound for tat event….
    i was there ALL nite…and in the middle….
    gah…. but i’ll be at the mines too…

  2. Darren: u organise in Miri la. free flow Hoegaarden!!
    efly: aiyoyo wasted!
    Amos: nvm la.. u enjoy la keke
    abalone: didnt see you la.

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