Furry Corsten @ Zouk 23.12.2005

It’s been a while since I went to clubbing. But since the Miri boys, Chanok and Rin were in town, I decided to bring them to Zouk for Ferry Corsten’s set although I was down with food poisoning. I felt like I was having period during the entire night.

Many thanks to Sharon for bringing us in. If it was not for her, we would have to fork out RM50 per person. Unfortunately, for Amos and girlfriend Kimmy who came late, they had to fork out RM100 for entry.

Furry Corsten!

Hairy Corsten’s set was just so-so. I’m not a big fan of trance and further I was a little bit disappointed with his set as he didn’t play his hard stuff. I love his music on his Hard NRG series. But then, I heard that his set got harder towards the end. I wonder how true is this.
Despite the mellow music, I got to meet up with some old friends. 😀

Unexpectedly, Johnson, Mary, Gobi, GBH, Hong Sing, Rita and the rest of the gang were there. It’s been a while since I saw them. I though those guys have retired.

Johnson & Mary

Rin, Chanok and Me

Sharon, Rin & Chanok

Lynnzter was there as well. So was Iris!

Sharon & Lynnzgupaozter

Chanok: (while dancing to Ferry Corsten’s music) I don’t like trance. I’m so bored.
Rin: This is good stuff man.. (referring to Ferry’s music)
(10 minutes later)
Rin: I’m bored!!

By 2AM, we were already out of the club. I had to get a drink due to dehydration, god damn food poisoning. Chanok and Rin had enough by then as well. We ended the night at Steven’s Corner.

Oh! Guess what this ‘person’ is doing?

1) peeing?
2) having a quickie ala doggie style?
3) others (enter action here)

I heard Paul Van Dyke will be @ Zouk on January. Anyone ? 😀

More Party pics @ http://johnsonteoh.com/

13 thoughts on “Furry Corsten @ Zouk 23.12.2005”

  1. its not furry corsten.
    it’s feri gostan. get it right.
    missing ferry isnt such a big deal.
    pvd i’m going, by hook or by crook.

  2. honfaai: thats what i used to do when i was in primary school. hehe
    Diliris: shagging the wall got la keke
    YUMMIE: in the car? next to the car got la hehe
    stoom: aiyoyoyo amma appa.. i wrote there ‘person’ for a reason.. i was trying to protect your identity, but now u’ve blown it urlsef!! hehe!!
    glo: it’s gonna be pack like japanese subways!

  3. xes: haha nvm la let ppl know abit so no suspense ma haha..
    whiz: they all on smack? damn i was badly looking for smack ler.. vodkha cranberry doesn’t do it 🙁

  4. yeah i do agree with u..ferry corsten was lame taht nite…it was sposed to be awesome coz his track record had been so well all these whiles..am lukin forward for PVD coz he never turns me down …juz yet..juz to add some kudos for PVD, i really had a smashing time when he played at Fabric Club in Ibiza last summer…

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