Oh. My. Goodness.
It didn’t occur to me until I was teased, “Hey, what are you doing?! You’re in love, aren’t you?”
“Nooo! Of course not!” I said defensively.
“It’s just a crush. I think.” I said, later on.
“Ah hah! It’s the same thing.” my friend replied.
“Of course not!
It must be Valentine’s Day and everything related to it. Even xes’ post on valentine dedications, listening to love songs is affecting me!
So lately, I’ve been giggling like a schoolgirl, excited over the slightest bit of attention I receive from The Crush. I cannot help it! The Crush may not know that I exist, or he may not feel the same, but I still can’t help feeling happy and bouncy and joyful all at once.
The Crush makes me laugh, and that’s when I’m the happiest – laughing. ;D
There I go again.
*Hides face in pillow*
Since I can’t help but to giggle helplessly like a schoolgirl, and walk around with a silly grin on my face, should I do the schoolgirl thing by sending a secret Valentine message to him?
It sounds a bit childish, but I do want to be bold and test the waters, though.
yesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesno yes no yes no yes?
hey gal to be safe u get someone u trust to ask the crush about his opinion on u ..to be unsafe hehe send him white chocolate
Yesss !!!!
Ask him out! XD
You never know until you try, may be the result turn out to be GOOD. Good Luck!
You never know until you try, may be the result turn out to be GOOD. Good Luck!
why is it called a crush and not smarsh or something like that?
Go Go Bimbo, Good Luck!!!
you see, if i’m wrong and he gets the wrong idea, it can affect the friendship. so, a bit scared lah…
geez, ok! i’ll stop giving u any attention. just stop giggling!
only one way to find out — ask him out for a coffee/meal/date/whateveryouwannacallit!
good luck! 
silly wabbit: would love to, but he’s in a another state! hmmm …
flush: eHheHEHEhehehe damn it, why you never ask me out one?
Khinko: heh. thanks. see how it goes
karheng: because if the feelings are not returned, you’ll get crushed! emm, i have no idea!
Jasmine, di0n, Applegal, allan: thanks! perhaps i’ll just give him a call and try to bait him into asking ME out ;D
but guys are all cautious, too, never making the first move ;D
dont try dont know!! gambateh bimbobum.
WIll be waiting for your valentine bimbo. Yes…i knew all along.
but please don’t stalk him. Scary la.
bimbo……he know u as bimbo too!?
haha! yes! try to bait him a little, ask him what he’s doing, whether he has plans, etc. work your charm bimbobaum!
sniff. i’m so flattered by your support. thank you!
if we get married i’ll invite everyone to my wedding ok?
You did say it is a secret message right?
Why secret? And if it is secret, would you have anything to be scared of?
chicken shit la you. keep it a secret til he makes a move la! =D
but the guy also either not interested or blurr…how to make a move?
karheng: True true.
Bimbo: try to ask him out lor, but the guy still single or attached?Better check b4 u make ur move!! Ganbateh!!
just go up to him jump him hump him then dump him