Illegal Immigrants from India..

My fellow colleague, N had a very sad case.
He had to mitigate for 5 Indian ladies who came on a tourist visa and was cheated by their travel agent. The travel agent claimed that he is able to convert their tourist visa to working visa but subsequently ran away with the money.
Hence the ladies, with no choice, decided to set up a store by the road side. They were subsequently arrested and charged with S6 of the Immigration Act whereby it carries an imprisonment, fine and even whipping.
The ladies though that they could get away with a fine but unfortunately the learned Magistrate imposed an imprisonment sentence. 5 of the ladies started crying and bawling loudly in the court. The police officers had to drag them out.

Backyard of KL Magistrate Court
My fellow colleague had to console a friend of the ladies.
N: Please tell their families in India that they cant come back so soon.
F: I’m afraid I cant do that.
N: Why not?
F: You see…they come from a small village in India…
N: So?
F: If I tell them, I’m afraid that their family would commit suicide!!
N: \(*O*)/!!!!

8 thoughts on “Illegal Immigrants from India..”

  1. If you see this guy in a black jacket, white shirt and tie, taking photos of the courts at Jln raja, chances are it’ll be xes. Hehe

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