Ok I’ve been tagged by Sharon of http://www.devilishaz.blogspot.com/.
It works like this (Sharon’s way, it seems that others have to finish all the sentences below).
Choose 5 of the professions/job/person you want to be (as listed below).
• If I could be a scientist…
• If I could be a farmer…
• If I could be a musician…
• If I could be a doctor…
• If I could be a painter…
• If I could be a gardener…
• If I could be a missionary…
• If I could be a chef…
• If I could be an architect…
• If I could be a linguist…
• If I could be a psychologist…
• If I could be a librarian…
• If I could be an athlete…
• If I could be a lawyer…
• If I could be an innkeeper…
• If I could be a professor…
• If I could be a writer…
• If I could be a llama-rider…
• If I could be a bonnie pirate…
• If I could be a service member…
• If I could be a photographer…
• If I could be a philanthropist…
• If I could be a rap artist…
• If I could be a child actor…
• If I could be a secret agent…
• If I could be a comedian/comedienne…
• If I could be a priest…
• If I could be a radio announcer…
• If I could be a phlebotomist…
• If I could be Paris Hilton’s stylist…
• If I could be a movie producer…
• If I could be the CEO of Microsoft…
• If I could be an astronaut…
• If I could be a world famous blogger…
• If I could be a justice on any one court in the world…
• If I could be married to any current famous political figure…
• If I could be a dog trainer…
• If I could be Bruce Lee…
However, I dont want to be anything of the above (except being a lawyer) I’ll just put in my OWN preference.
• If I could be the leader of a secret society.. first I’ll get all the cops to work under me. Branch my business to overseas and create a multi dollar empire!
• If I could be the emperor of China.. former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohammad said that dictatorship has the ability to shape the society, economy and culture. Hence with absolute power in my hands, I’ll shove USA aside and make China the sole superpower of the world!
• If I could be a Judge.. create laws that suits the practice and public. Waiting for laws to be passed by the Parliament takes just too much time. And further, people remember judges but not lawyers..
• If I could be a teacher in a All Girls College…h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h00 no explaination needed h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0oooooo!!!!
“Multi dollar empire”
Sounds seriously ambitious! Hahahah.
since everything is hypothetical why not say if i could be dictator of the world it’s as good as the genie granting u whatever u wish for
Hahaha.. the hamsuplou-ness in xes is coming out -_-
You should go teach in Convent School. BWAHAHAHAHHA!
chuoming: It’s good to have vision that shall remain a fantasy forever. =)
If I could be married to any current famous political figure, my wife will be quite a bitch.
hmmm…now an all girls school isn’t a bed of roses i must say…..ahahaha…..
karheng: That’s where xes will come in and make it a bed of roses.
Or more like tainted roses. But still roses. If you don’t say, nobody tells, who knows. Rose is still a rose, tainted or not. Heheheheheh.
If you were a teacher in an all girls’ school, you’d be their fantasy, their flirt object and all that jazz 😉 But be warned, when girls are PMSing, YOU’ll be the victim, bwahahahaha!
Applegal: all of them all throw chairs n tables at xes when they pms…LOL