Mamak food isn’t that cheap

My lunch, at a minimal helping.
Sometimes I get so bored of the choice of food around my office area that I resort to buying some from the mamak shop. Despite requesting for very little rice, and as you can see, a bit of four-angled beans and 2 small pieces of curry chicken, I was taken aback by the cost.
“WHY is it so expensive? This is really little rice!” I complained to the cashier.
The cashier rudely rolled his eyes at me and rambled, “Aiya, this is considered cheap! I’d charge RM4.00 but I’m giving you a discount already!”
I fumed and went back to the office, complained to my colleagues about the mamak shop always ripping me off. The last time I was there, he charged me RM1.20 for Roti Kosong, when it’s RM0.80. But at that time, I was late for work and I didn’t have time to argue. (Hmmmmm, clearly I was at fault. I should have argued with him!)
Anyway, I SWEAR I am boycotting the stupid shop! Malay mixed rice is always cheaper than mamak. No offence, but it’s the truth.
My lunch cost RM3.00. I was so dissatisfied with it.
I’m sorry to be complaining a lot, but all is well, I cook at home and bring it to work for lunch nowadays. ;D

10 thoughts on “Mamak food isn’t that cheap”

  1. I think the RM3.00 price tag is because you have taken meat (nevermind the amount). If your lunch was meatless, it would be less than RM3.00. And you have to admit that unfortunately, price of chicken is quite high these days (inflation, festival month, etc.)….

  2. aiya… nowdays in KL what also expensive la… nothing is cheap like in the old days… seems money getting smaller.

  3. mamak fella very kiasu.even gravy also wanna charge you.a slight info, mamak charge per dish not per take 3 chicken instead of one coz they charge the same.

  4. But sometime, chicken they charge per piece… small cuts they charge per dish. Like mutton, they charge per dish. So take more. Fish they charge per piece.
    I was charged by a mamak for Rm5.00 for a piece of ikan tenggiri alone excluding rice. Just the fish alone. Geez.

  5. Cen Ni: hehehhe, i eat very little rice wan. unless pasta, yum yum! 😉
    cnigel, endroo G: for all u know, if i took an extra piece of chicken, end up RM4! pengsan… i bet the cashier was racist ;P
    insomnia: ya lor, everything seems expensive as compared to 3 years ago. SIGH
    Amos: yay yay! except that now it’s fasting month, really lack of choice for lunch. ;(
    Low: i took 3 types of vege before, and was charged RM3.30, i wanted to cry, too!
    xes: food within the golden triangle unfortunately is that expensive lor, rental so high, wat to do

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