Mini forum gathering

As childish as it may sound, yes, this blog had a gathering.
Some of the regular forum members of met up at Murni SS2 Mamak. Many thanks to those who organised it (you know who you are). If I were to be given this task, the gathering wouldn’t happen at all.
Those who attended were Amos, Mrs. Amos, Kian, Derek, insomnia, Khinko, zions, kar heng, Cheez and friend Kevin and not forgetting myself and Mr and Mrs. Amos’s dog, Tammy. Although Amos has denied it numerous times, I still think that Tammy’s name derived its name from Tammy NYP (the famous Singaporean girl whose home made porn video was circulated on the net)!!

Kian, Mrs Amos & Amos (sorry bro, you moved!)

Also, the gathering was in conjunction with Kian’s visit to Kuala Lumpur. Kian is from Miri. He is now living in some
dodgy area where prostitutes come out at night to solicit business.


Khinko, zions & insomnia

me & karheng

The session lasted about 2 hours. Most of us had to leave because of work the next day. It’s great to finally put a face to the names I see everyday on this website.

39 thoughts on “Mini forum gathering”

  1. Khinko: Hey how come you miss the dog so much?
    was there something funny going on between you two under the table?

  2. ROFL! I look constipated! hahahahah
    Derek…when u wanna go eat Klang bakuteh? Set a date!
    Btw, xes…nice cam!

  3. xes: btw, why I’m not invited ah? *hard feelings*
    Derek’s baju kinda patriotic… not our country though.
    karheng: i also want papaya. what kind of papaya is that ?

  4. zhong: O_O-V
    scuzzy: i bet there is!
    karheng: panasonic rox!
    bimbobum: where got..very nice ma. keke
    cnigel: who who? andy lau ah?? ahha
    endroo G: forum members gathering ma. you’re not a member of our forum right? eke even bimbobum isnt 😛
    avalondevil: aiyah next round la, u organise!
    pegs: hehe.. next round la!
    momoz: yes derek is from pg! but not sure about his fullname
    Applegal: umm donno anything about dogs. all i know is that they are delicious
    electronicfly: if bimbob wants to go, bimbob has to wear paper bag le. murni too many people
    faai: MAHAI. u ffk us! wh4 fucker! need to accompany gf eh??
    Darren: i dont think he did, cause he came back with me on Saturday Haha
    Khinko: what did you do with tammy? :O

  5. … wtf. must be that karheng who bitch abt the reason why i didnt show up la. nxt gathering, i conlanfirm coming. put me in the list!

  6. err I wanna join too if later hv gathering… may I? * not a forum member, only like to come to this forum * =D
    btw, only 1 girl nia eh?
    where’s bimbobum?

  7. we said it in the’ll be a banana party…tau tau really is..
    join the forum la..i’m still thinkin when is the next one will be…will post it up in the forum for suggestion..

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