I hate that feeling. I hate it when I’m in KL International Airport. During that time, it’s either I’m leaving or someone close to me is leaving. Well, Sui Lin finally left for Melbourne today. There were only 6 people including me that sent her off namely Sow, Ben, Jin Wy, Cris and I. Zing came just 1 minute before she leaves. Her flight was at 950AM hence we had to be there by 8AM. That explains why there weren’t many people.
Actually we made a bet with her couple of days ago, we said, “If you didn’t cry, I’ll chop off my dick”. So during the 1 hour there, we tried numerous ways to make her cry. We reminded her of the things that she’ll miss namely Breakers, yamcha sessions and also lunch at Uncle Maverick’s place. Um, yeah, she ran to the toilet to cry anyway. However, she wasnt sobbing or wailing loudly. She didn’t manage to flood KLIA.
Sui Lin hugged everybody when she was about to leave. There goes our group’s event planner. I’m going to miss her.
Anyway, here are pictures of Sui Lin’s drunken farewell at Bar Amber. There are from Sui Lin and Lynnzter’s cam…
Pictures of Sui Lin’s departure will be published soon after I get it from Sim
Big Boy Ben? lol !!!
alright guys. il upload it to sstwo.net tonight.did i mention i just got me broadband? muahahahaha. dis has been denied for far too long…
hehehe..the better question is who does not know joanne seow? stupid biatch, was her classmate in college never let me know what kinda life she was into, otherwise could have had kaki to go out withhmm…made her cry…u get to keep your young nuts then
Wow …. Suilin showing her middle finger
wah why suddenly everybody leaving