Timothy Tiah, as usual, was feeling generous and decided to treat me and a few of us for dinner @ Mandarin Grill and MO Bar @ Mandarian Oriental, Kuala Lumpur.

Mandarin Grill is a new dining venue of Mandarin Oriental. It serves a variety of Western and and local dishes. So western till you have guai lou chefs cooking for you.
The service was excellent. From time to time, we had free food on our table – complements from the chef.
I’m not a food connoisseurs and thus I am not able to describe how good was the food. Nevertheless, I will try to describe the food ahbeng Old Klang Road 58200 style!

I ordered the 1824 Australian grain-fed, 120-day-aged 25o-gram tenderloin which costs around RM100++ pursuant to the recommendation of EatDrinkKL.

I get to choose a knife of my choice!
I wonder what does 120-day aged means, does that mean that the cow lived 120 days before it got slaughtered or it was slaughtered 120 days ago? Well, if it died 120 days ago or not, the steak was tender and awesome!

Even the salt was out of the ordinary. It had 3 types of flavour – vanilla, wasabi and durian. I’m just kidding. I can’t remember what they were.
The most expensive steak on the menu was the Master Wahyu steak. It was around RM500++ \(*O*)/ I can eat Pappa Rich for more than a month!

Interior was nice. The hot chick in the photo made it nicer!

fourfeetnine had the Wagyu beef burger Rossini. It is topped with foie gras, porcini mushrooms & truffle mayo. Check out how the french fries were stacked! Ada styleeeeeeeeee!

Tim and 4feet9

For dessert, we had their Hazelnut Crème Brulée (my favourite!) and Mango Cheesecake. Hazelnut Crème Brulée was topped with blueberries and sorbet. However, the Crème Brulée looked like dried hardened curry to me. However, it tasted awessooome!

Mango Cheese Cake on the other hand was so-so.
The bill came up to RM1200++ for 6 of us. Timothy‘s wallet bleed badly. RM132 came from our gold-filtered-nuclear-powered water. fourfeetninesaid it must have came from an extinct mountain.
Nevertheless, I had a great time there. Looking forward to go there again on company’s expenses!! hohohohoho!
Those with a fat wallet who are interested to go, you may call +6(03) 2179 8960 to make a reservation. The dresscode is smart casual. T-shirt and jeans are acceptable. As a tip, order a drink if you don’t want to pay RM132 for water.