Arashiyama, Kyoto – Japan

It’s been a while since I blogged about my Japan

Arashiyama is famous for its fabulous view of Mt. Arashiyama and River Oi. It’s very popular among tourist. As a result, rows of souvenirs shops were built along River Oi.

Since Soba is famous in Kyoto, Jane and I decided to try it.

We ate at a restaurant upstairs of a souvenir shop and spent the rest of the evening there. We didn’t leave until sunset.

View from restaurant

9 thoughts on “Arashiyama, Kyoto – Japan”

  1. hey… i will be kyoto early june. ppl were saying abt renting bikes to get around, but i noticed there’s a train system too…
    what do u recommend?

  2. yvonne: kke i didnt take many pics over that place. not many things to see.
    whyrl: i think it would be better if you take public transport as the attractions around kyoto are pretty spreaded out. 😀 since u’re going to kyoto soon, ill post more kyoto pics !
    wolfx: hahaha it actually taste like tau fu fah!

  3. We ate at a restaurant upstairs of a souvenir shop and spent the rest of the evening there. We didn’t leave until sunset <— too busy with his fingers hence not many pics

  4. xes: i’m going everywhere! :P:P
    5(?) days or so in tokyo city itself, 3(?) days in kyoto, 1 day at izu-hakone and 1 day for spare…. or something like that.
    i’m going to be going through your archives alot. 😉

  5. i wanna go too. the pictures are really breathtaking. Japan seems to have alot to offer! i love these scene sightings

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