I guess most of us heard of porn involving animals. But Sow found this on the net.
It’s cockroach porn. EUWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UPDATE: For completion sake, here is another digusting picture of an insect courtesy of Joanne of Miri, Sarawak. All together now…say “EUW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
sick! animal porn is sick enuf but insect porn? wat’s next? plant porn? tree & grass porn? they just wan 2 do everything!
ew … disgusting.
eww yuck.. nyeheheh suitable for my viewing woh hahahaha
This is like totally disgusting man…
*vomits again*
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww…i wonder how much the girl get for doing that
am too chicken to click on the link…can someone please enlighten me on what actually goes on in the clip?
wat is wrong this ppl??? those are darn little disgusting bastards *yuck*
sow has too much free time
wtf is in the 2nd pic? yer
jez: its a picture of a video cover.
on the pciture, there’s a girl with cockroach all over her..eating it..and also drinking some sort of blended cockroaches!!!
any chances that Derek can get this kind of deviant porn?
eew gross. i scream at the sight of a cockroach, not to mention *grr shivers*. thanx btw xes..saved me a lot of recurring nightmares from having to see it myself
jez: u should see it
its an eye opener!!
rych: with derek’s superb ability, no doubt man!!
the girl is has a fetish this siew kiongs haha, stil Yuck!!
oh do check this out in my previous archives http://wuichi82.tripod.com/id14.html, look for the topic “Evil Bastard” enjoy
Darren: oh my! charcoaled cockroach!!
mahaiii.. .. .. . no video wan.. lol
I got one with eel one. Got torrent seed to download..any sick ppl out there ,interested ar?
Ben: video ah…cannot find la kekek
frank: uh no thanks!!
why cant people just enjoy sex the conventional way, the way its meant to be. sad…
jez: kekeke but there mmm…no sex in that cockroach porn…heheh
xes: i think that belong to the documentary category rather than porn lar
.. nbts