What is there to write about when I was in class the entire day and at home the entire night? I was about to skip tonight’s post but something came up.
Remember the fox that broke my main phone cable couple of 5 months ago? Well, we found it.
It was dead in the attic.
Its body was omitting putrid smell hence the entire upper floor could smell it. Mum hired someone to extract the body out. It seems that the fox died of starvation. I guess it was fatally trapped in the attic.
I guess the fox is the last of the wild animals in my house. Many years ago, we used to have pythons, monkeys, snakes and squirrels. Now all I have is stray dogs and stray cats.
i tot u stay in OUG not kelantan.
eewww..a dead fox. that HAS gotta smell bad O.o ehehe and it’s a jungle out there where you live! 🙂
i said it before and i’ll say it again. FUCKING DODGEY!
man, oug is one of the most unbelievable places to stay in!
no la, i don’t think the fox is the last u’ll see. still got another one in your house wat.. it’s called xes :pjust kidding ok 😉
i mean, still got another one “wild animal” in your house 😉
huh ?? xez … u staying at OUG ???? no such jungle u mentioned eh !! Lol … somemore no zoo in OUG .. how come so many animal running into ur house ??? or are you one of their gang ??? loL .. kiddin dude 😛
xes is another WOLF… colored wolf… =P
hiyo xes….MOVE lar!!!!!!!! so dramatic one ur neighbourhood
i wonder where did that f0x came from. hmm ponders…your house is a jungle chenghai.
U’re a fox xes………Hahahahhahahha
Technically, you’re staying in Happy Garden riiiiggghhhtttt?How come my side of OUG don’t have any animals? Except for Max, that is … Hahaha
sounds like OUG is situated in some National Park.. beware the zebra, the hippos.. ooppss.. we just lost one fox hahahaha.
wtf… so many comments..ok, i guess i’ll just answer everybody with one sentence..check out http://www.xes.cx/archives/00000397.htmthat explains why are there so many widl animals 😀
Do a post mortem… maybe it didn’t die of starvation… maybe food poisoning, or SARS, or Fujian Flu… 😀
gimme ur address, i send the body over for u to ying kau (examine) hehe