I had breakfast at my usual coffee shop, just next to the morning market. While eating breakfast this morning *Utada Hikaru songs playing in the background, coming from a bootleg CD stall*.
Mmm..soothing music then suddenly..*flop flop flop flopp*
The sound came from the morning market.
Apparently, the bootleg CD stall owner was running away. I could hear his slippers flip flopping as he ran. It seems that the local authorities came without warning and confiscated his entire stall. Even his speakers were confiscated. Poor guy, all he could save was his Bata slippers.
I’m going! Are you? 😀
knn!!!gatecrasher on the same day i have my first exam!arghhh…bleh! =p
Cum lets go!
Map Blur. Don’t understand
authorities making it so hard to buy pirated DVDs now XD
just follow the highway to KLIA and you will see Sepang on the direction board. 😉
eh… i thought you quit clubbing edi one?
fwaa bad timing sial .. father’s day on the 20th .. how 2 settle lerr ..
terjin: keke nvm..u wait for 31st july rave 😀 Gavin: u dream on la hahah Roy: yeah man.. but no worries..plenty of other places to get pirated stuff 😀 YUMMIE: i quit clubbing..but not raving u know? eheh eishin: aiyah..father’s day celebrate at night le keke
min age = 21 !?!?!!??!?!Yeah right!!!
yeah la..min age 21.. no small kids allowed