Great game – Great game! took me some time to finish it 😀 Thanks to Sow!
megatha: watch the movie the mystery box plays..the fellow dancing will point out a place… then click on the place when the dance will then reveal a safe 😀 Reply
haha i finished it….so dumb man this game ;p
yeah man, damn easy..i can even finish it with one eye close
I can’t open the damn myestery box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aahaha u need 2 rings and a metal piece 😀
I have 2 rings but no metal piece
metal piece is on the bed..hidden inside a gap behind the pillow 😀
I got the mystery box open but then what do I do? I have 12 items
megatha: watch the movie the mystery box plays..the fellow dancing will point out a place… then click on the place when the dance will then reveal a safe 😀