I received a SMS from a friend this morning,
“3 GoldenRetreiver dogs -1 yr, 2 yr, 4 yr @ Setapak DBKL dog pound, will be put 2 sleep 2day if no 1 adopts. Pls if u or frens can help save them call 012 2877168”
It’s sad to know that animals that are sent to the pound are put to sleep everyday. A reader once critisized someone for not sending an animal to the pound. I wonder if she knew that many animals who are not adopted in the pound for a certain period are put to sleep.
On a different note, I wonder why these SMSs are sent out when pedigree dogs are going to be put to sleep. How about non pedigree dogs? Love knows no pedigree!
Adopt a pariah today!
1st….i’m so sorry to hear that but I have 2 dogs to take care now…. RIP boys
How come all I ever hear about are DBKL shooting DOGS, DOGS being put to sleep, etc. Whatever happens to the millions of stray cats that are everywhere?
Amos: hehe im sure someone has called to save them
Cruise: maybe cats are harder to catch?
Because some *PEOPLE* can only take care of cats but not DOGS!!! that is the reason, same as in my condo!!
maybe dogs are more delicious than cats. yummy.
xes: it’s time to find a pet to company ur cats…ahahaha
amos: y not?find a bf for Tammy lar…
my house cannot fit dogs. my salary also cannot feed dogs. ;(
too bad..my sis married a malay guy…so can’t have dog at home…*sniff sniff*
Avalon u say with ur sis?
abalon: move out then…lmfao….
ugh…no…i dun stay with my sis…i’m staying with my parents…my sis whose the one who wana move out..
she say wana buy a new hse and move out…tat was 2 years ago and she still say the same thing..i wan her room…ahahaha XD