Since Channel 8 has been showing the Korean Drama ‘Stairway to Heaven‘
I have been dreaming of going there one day. Here are some night pictures found over the internet
p/s: Just look at the pictures!
Is orgasmic the right word here??
Since Channel 8 has been showing the Korean Drama ‘Stairway to Heaven‘
I have been dreaming of going there one day. Here are some night pictures found over the internet
p/s: Just look at the pictures!
Is orgasmic the right word here??
i guess i am 1 of those left in asia who is not following e k-drama boom now! hehe! e onli k-drama i fully follow was hotelier. after dat, i found out dat k-dramas r too long(draggy-of coz nothing compares 2 taiwanese dramas) n tragic most of e time. gimme j-dorama anytime! simple, fast(11-13 episodes average) n beautiful chicks without plastic surgery!
DieHardX: Aiya…ah niel, u can watch channel 8
Chinese Soap mah. BTW, i prefer Jap drama too. The pace is faster and Jap sound better than Korean.
those pictures are actually taken in Japan. Tokyo Bay to be precise.
Galferari: I edited your post and put up some pictures for you to make the post more colourful.
Frank_omatic: Eh? Thanks weh!! heheheee… xes: the last pic on that website is a mary-go-round .. the one on the soap – so nice~~DieHardX: I’ll watch anything and everything – very deprived of TV dramas!
iyarh! It’s merry-go-round instead of mary-go-round heh??*Silly me!
ive been to korea. nice place but i reckon japan would be better.
wahlau It looks awesome man 🙂 I wanna go too!