Heineken Music Lab: Analog Girl @ ZOUK KL 28.4.2006


Initially it was just Sui Lin and I. Both of us were interested to see a Singaporean girl perform with a laptop and singing with it. What made it more intriguing is that she has performed in places like Japan, France and UK.

Then Sharon Dilirius and Angeline joined us.

Since it’s a Heineken organized party, beer was cheap. RM65 for a bucket of Heineken it and it comes with a free gift.

Admission was free but non-members of Heineken Music Lab would have to register themselves before getting in. I thought it was going to be packed, but it wasn’t so. We managed to find a place to sit.

Further, I had the privilege of the company of 3 gorgeous ladies. 😀 But the problem is that the 3 of them does not drink beer… ARGH. NO BUCKET OF BEER FOR ME! Fortunately, the Hardsequance crew was there as well, Jovi spared me a bottle 😀


Analog Girl was dressed in a black 1 piece dress, and sneakers O_O. She didn’t say much during her performance but she sang throughout her 45 minutes performance. I find her music a bit morbid. It has a little tinge of Bjork in it. Further, her equipment wasn’t limited to a Mac laptop, she had some sort of mixer as well.

Overall performance was fairly alright. The first few minutes were interesting but my fascination sort of die down after few songs.
There was another event in ZOUK as well. It was the Cleo’s 50 Most Eligible Bachelor party. The queue to get in to ZOUK was crazy, the line wasn’t that long when Eddie Halliwell was here. It was all the way till the roadside !

Further, no way I was going to attend that event. But definitely Gavin Tan would love to since he loves checking guys out. wahahHAha

Heineken Music Lab: Analog Girl @ ZOUK KL 28.4.2006

This Friday, an interesting performance by Analog Girl, a musician who plays music with her laptop, as well as singing.
Date: 28/04/06
Place: Terrace Bar, Zouk, 113 Jalan Ampang. KL

    Between electro-pop, IDM (Intelligent Dance Music), trip hop and occasional references to the Bjork/Cocteau Twins, Singapore-based The Analog Girl is a musician that has brought her bedroom-made music across the world, playing venues from London, Paris, Tokyo and New York. Ironically, it has taken her a bit to get to these nearby shores, but she is due to take on the masses here next.
    The Analog Girl, otherwise known as Mei Wong, finally makes her Kuala Lumpur debut at the Terrace Bar, Zouk KL this Friday.
    This solo laptop-wielding performer is an inspired choice for the eclectic Heineken Music Lab series that also sees hometown deejays Ray Soo and DJ Blink performing either side of her headlining set. As an established name in the fringe music art gallery circuit across the causeway, The Analog Girl has done the big gigs and can count on notable appearances at music festivals like The Tesseract, Baybeats at The Esplanade, and Enroute – to name a few.
    Singapore’s Analog Girl makes her Kuala Lumpur debut at the Terrace Bar, Zouk KL, on Friday.
    More importantly, she is also possibly the most accessible option to attract a keen pop-centric following here, considering the Singapore avant garde music community has moved in leaps with highly experimental names like George Chua, Evan Tan, Snake Blood Union, Muon and The Observatory.
    Armed with her debut album The TV Is On and the promise of new material, The Analog Girl’s live debut in KL is something to pique curious interest. Invites for the Music Lab series, starting 9pm this Friday, are available at (www.heinekenmusic.com.my).

Source: http://star-ecentral.com/news/story.asp?file=/2006/4/24/music/14016976&sec=music
Check out her equipment!

Are all your compositions done on your Mac G4 Powerbook? Were any other external compositional devices used in the process, eg. USB keyboards?
All my latest tracks are done solely on my Powerbook. Even my keyboard is computer-based, as in I play the musical notes using my computer (QWERTY) keyboard.
[Picture and Extract from http://www.agingyouth.com/interviews/analog_girl.htm]
for her demo.

Sui Lin’s Birthday @ Velvet, 15.4.2006

This year round, Sui Lin had her birthday bash at Velvet. Celebrating your birthday at a club is either a bold move or you’re mad. I definitely wouldn’t want to celebrate my birthday at a club. I still love my liver, man.

So anyway, she invited loads of people, so many until the stranger on the next table is a friend of Sui Lin. Also, it was sort of a joint birthday party with Kwang, if I’m not mistaken.

Throughout the night, I hung out with Cris. Ben Lai, Melvin, Sow, Big Ben and Sharon Dilirius.

The club was PACKED. Every second I had people pushing me left and right. It was hot like a sauna too. Melvin had a ‘waterfall’ problem, he was sweating like a pig, but luckily he had his trusty white handkerchief with him 😀

Further, there were so many people in the club until I had people stealing my cup. I left it on our table for few minutes and when I came back for it minutes later, I find that our table and my cup have become someone else’s table and someone else’s cup.

Despite the huge turnout for Sui Lin’s birthday, no one actually tried to bombard her with alcohol. Even Sow didn’t want to bomb her! Sui Lin was roaming around the club, SOBER! I wanted to get her a drink but it was a huge hassle walking to the bar as there were too many people.

Since the club was pack like a can of sardines, I decided to chill at Terrace Bar with the Hardsequance crew. Moments later, I saw Sui Lin being drag out from the club into Terrace Bar’s unisex toilet. Speaking about unisex toilet, I find it uncomfortable. I don’t want any girls waiting for my cubicle while I do my business. Also, I would have to aim properly so that I would miss the target 😛 Further, the unisex toilet does not remind me of Ally McBeal’s office toilet. It reminds me of Mamak toilets.

So back to Sui Lin, apparently I heard that Sow bought her a tray of shots. Sow is an evil man. So much for, no more birthday bombing.
As such, it was the end of the night for Sui Lin.

Sow: I wanted Sui Lin to lie on the floor drunk and scream “I don’t remember my name anymore!!”.

Unfortunately, Sui Lin didn’t. All she had was a headache. Boohoo. Anyway,

Also, another birthday shoutout to Gayvin Tan. Although you’re so far away in Melbourne, you cannot run from me!!

I received this msg from Gavin this afternoon.

Gavin says:
damn the cat attacked me, now i got claw marks and im bleeding some places
Gavin says:
eh fuck wrong person (wrong window)
Gavin says:
Stop raping your cat Gavin.

Anyway, thanks for the favours i.e. buying lotion for my mum. Dinner’s on me! Hope you have a great one! More drunk pictures please!

The Finals of the Melbourne Shuffle Competition @ Station 3, Melaka 31 March 2006

This time round, there were only 10 contestants left from the 17 contestants in the Semi Finals. Gurmit, Johnson and I judged this competition again.

We had the opportunity to be introduced to Freddy, the boss of Station 3. He treated us with some drinks though not as much as last week. Last week was crazy, the manager fed us with too much beer.
Since Swedish Daniel Norstom wanted to check out the scene in Melaka, we brought him along. I hope he had a great time there 😀

Continue reading The Finals of the Melbourne Shuffle Competition @ Station 3, Melaka 31 March 2006

The Semifinals of the Melbourne Shuffle Competition @ Station 3, Melaka

Just right after work, Johnson and I rushed to Melaka to judge the semifinals of the Melbourne Shuffle Competition at Station 3, Melaka.
Many thanks to DJ Reeve for picking us up from Pure Bar, getting us a room at Fenix Inn and organizing the event.
Fenix Inn is one unique inn. It consist 3 adjoining shops. The ground floors of each shop consist of a cybercafe, the lobby and a BLOODY CAR PARK respectively. The car park can only fit about 6 cars though. We had to hand in our car keys so that the guards can park and repark the car.

Left, the car park.
Station 3 used to be one of the most happening clubs in Melaka. But it’s been around for almost 6 years and as such, just like many other old clubs, their patronage lately has been dwindling. Therefore, they organized an event to attract the crowd back.

Continue reading The Semifinals of the Melbourne Shuffle Competition @ Station 3, Melaka

April’s Hard Dance Events..

To those Hard Dance lovers, here are two local events you should look forward to:-

CHRISTINA 012.622.7856
EDDY 017.578.2017
JON 012.382.0173
BEN 012.303.0622
KOK WING 012.663.4560

Also, Melbourne Shuffle Competition @ Station 3, Melaka.
First Prize: RM1000 (!!)
Second Prize: RM700
Third Prize: RM500.
24th March 2006 (Qualifying)
31st March 2006 (Finals)
Application is closed 😀
JohnsonTeoh & I will be judging the said Competition. Please say hi if you see us 😀

Renault F1 Team Pit Party @ Sepang

Since world No. 1 DJ, DJ Tiesto is spinning, Johnson, Cris, Melvin, Ivn and I made a trip to Sepang to see Tiesto spin. This time round, we had no girls in our group. Yeah, it was a sausage crew.
Parking was a breeze. And it was free too. There were few trucks of Luk-luk stalls on the car park as well. Reminds me of my neighbour’s party where he hired Fatman LukLuk to cater for his party.
Everything was smooth sailing. We reached about 10PM, just when Tiesto started.
Tiesto’s opening was superb. He had a lion dance troupe on stage welcoming his arriving. As soon as he pumped the music, fire works lit up.
Video of DJ Tiesto’s opening set

Continue reading Renault F1 Team Pit Party @ Sepang

DJ Anatta @ Club Pure, Melaka 11 March 2006

DJ Anatta was hired to spin at Club Pure @ Melaka. So Cris, Florence and I decided to accompany her. We were given a free room at Aldy Hotel, 3 stars! 😀

Frankly, I am not familiar with the clubbing scene in Melaka. But recently I have been approached by a club in Melaka to judge a Melbourne Shuffle competition (which will be held @ Station 3 @ Melaka, 24 and 31 March 2006, more details soon!) for them. Hence, it would be interesting to see how the scene is like beforehand.

DJ Ashvin of Club Pure picked us up from our hotel. The club is located somewhere around Melaka’s business district centre.
As we were brought to the club, my first impression was that the club is made from adjoining few shop house together. Well, in fact, it was a corner lot with brilliant interior and design!


The street where the club is located is theme as the mini-Bangsar of Melaka. There are other clubs and pubs there as well.

Club Pure is made up of 2 rooms, 1st room being the R&B room on the ground floor and the other room is for dance music, which is on the first floor. The R&B floor was packed to the max. Pack as a can of sardines I would say.

But the other room was pretty deserted, probably because dance music hasn’t really picked up in Melaka. We were given two buckets of beer while waiting for DJ Anatta to finish. Cris and I went on a photography spree. I heard Cris took about 1 gig of photos O_O

Florence & DJ Anatta

Men’s toilet – a small strip of one way mirror to see whether any guys are hitting on your girlfriend.

There are two weird things in Club Pure. The first is that male patrons cannot wear caps. I had this bouncer poking my waist and thereafter grabbed my cap from my head. I stared at him in disbelief and immediately grabbed my cap from him. He then pointed his head and said, “No Caps”. I was told that the reason behind it is that caps obstruct the view of CCTVs in the club. So there I was, clubbing with a head of flatten hair. I felt like a bloody schoolboy.

As for the second weird thing, I would have to start by explaining how the dance room is like in Pure Club. The DJ console is built on an elevated stage, which overlooks a small cemented dance floor. And on that dance floor, there were couple of young shufflers. Yes, the Melbourne Shuffle has invaded Melaka! I even saw someone wearing phat pants there too “=_=

While the young shufflers were tearing the dance floor with DJ Anatta’s progressive house and breakbeats, a group of kids came. Immediately thereafter, the kids were break dancing….


Those Bboys were doing their helicopter shits and flips.

It was culture shock I tell you.

Of course, many thanks to our beloved DJ Anatta, whose music can influence clubbers to break dance to her progressive house and breakbeats. Looks like the crowd loved her music 😀

Immediately at 230AM, the music ended and lights were turned on. Club Pure closes half an hour earlier than clubs in Kuala Lumpur.
We met DJ Ashvin, DJ Raymond and DJ Alex for supper thereafter. They brought us to Hajjah Mona Asam Pedas @ Taman Kota Laksamana. Each of us had a place of Assam Pari (Sour Stringray). It was bloody excellent. My mouth waters as I type this man!

DJs of Club Pure, Raymond, Ashvin & Alex.

Gamarjobat – A shut up comedy from Japan @ Actor’s Studio, Bangsar Shopping Centre

3rd March – 19th March 2006
RM52 – RM92
Tuesday ~ Thursday 8PM, Friday 9PM, Saturday 3PM, 9PM Sunday 3PM, 8PM.

Gamarjobat is a silent comedy by 2 Japanese men. Not a single comprehensible word was spoken during the entire show. The sound effect, the lightning and the costumes fueled the entire show. And..
It was FUNNY with capitals!

The sound effect and lighting were very precise. It was as if it was programmed.

The show was divided into 2 parts, the first part being a slapstick-and-mime-like comedy and the second part is a silent play about a boxer. They even pulled some audience to perform with them. Some of the participants on the stage were entertaining as well 😀 We laughed non stop.

There was one part they played Doraemon’s theme song and one of the duo was mimicking Doraemon. Everyone laughed out loud except for the 4 Caucasians sitting in front of us… HOW CAN THEY NOT KNOW DORAEMON????

The show ended with a standing ovation. Yes, it was that good.

DJ Anatta & I – the Gamarjobats.

Catch DJ Anatta in action @ Club Pure, Melaka 11 March 2005! 😀

Two huge outdoor raves in March!

It’s been a while…
Redzone Tour 2006 At Sepang
17 March, 6pm
The world’s best DJs are here to in conjunction with the F1 Grand Prix in Sepang. Singapore’s DJ Gabriel, Malaysia’s DJ Bryan Burger, Russia’s DJ Brent Burns, UK’s DJ Tall Paul, Germany’s ATB and many more will be behind the decks to spin you dance, house and techno music, so don’t miss the party of the month!
RM20 (inclusive of 1 drink), admission is free for the first 3000
F1 Village
Sepang International Circuit, Jalan Pekeliling, KLIA
Tel : 03-8778 2222
For more info, call 03-2072 9443 or visit www.redzone.com.my
Renault F1 Team Pit Party 2006

Date : March 18th 2006
Venue : KLIA Limousine Shuttle Bay
Time : 6pm – 3am
Pre-sale : RM65 + 1 drink (excluding RM2 ticket handling fee)
Door-sale : RM80 + 1 drink
Lineup : Bass Agents, Derb, Drum Connection, DJ AVX (Francis Cobb), Tiësto (!!!) (5 hour set)
Massive concert style staging (240ft span). Tons of pyro displays. Mad lighting and lasers. Huge multiple projection screens.
Pre-sale tickets available daily from 27th February onwards from 12pm-9pm @ Music Valley Sg Wang, Music Valley Leisure Mall, Fantasy Music Centre Sunway Pyramid, Rock Corner 1 Utama.
Pre-sale tickets also available on the 3, 4, 10, 11 & 17 March – from 9pm-1am @ Soda Club Desa Sri Hartamas, Breakers Desa Sri Hartamas, Cafe 7 Subang Square, Matrix Pool and Restaurant Phileo Damansara 1, Thai Club & Bistro Jalan P Ramlee.
Alternatively you may email ticket bookings to PitParty@gmail.com. Please enter subject header as “ticket booking” and provide full name, ic number, contact number and number of tickets required. Once tickets are released on the 27th February customers will be contacted regarding their bookings. Bookings are NOW OPEN.
Thanks aid zin for the info 😀
Then this weekend!
HARDSEQUENCE @ SAXOPHONE, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SAT 25th FEB 2006
HardSequence returns at the end of February with full force bringing you…
DJ DRIVE (DarkRaverz)
NEIKON vs. SREAL (Special Guest DJs)
XT-ACID vs. GANJAGURU (Classic Action)
DJ BONE (Special Guest DJ) vs. DJ LEARN (Battle of the HardStylers)
Bass Agents (“Best New Local DJ” – Juice Readers Choice Award 2005) and DarkRaverz reunite with HardSequence (“Best New Local Night” & “Most up for it Crowd” – Juice Readers Choice Award 2005), to bring you a range of hard-hitting beats to stimulate your senses.
Massive thanks to those who made it to the previous HardSequence, the crowd was sensational, definitely a night to remember! In return, we intend to carry on that positive vibe and this time around the DJs will showcase their talents with one-on-one battles. So be prepared to indulge in some serious hard dance.
Jalan P. Ramlee, Kuala Lumpur (Next to Bar IBIZA)
WHEN : Saturday, 25th February 2006
ADMISSION : RM25 + 1D (presale)*, RM35 + 1D (door sales) OR RM50 (Package = HS T-shirt + Admission only)*
*Presale & Package admission is BEFORE 11.30pm (sharp)!
TIME : 10PM till 3AM
DRESSCODE : Funky wear, dress to EXPRESS not to impress.
NO attitudes. ONLY happy people! NO rest for the wicked.
PRESALES : Please confirm your bookings with your HardSequence Promoter BEFORE 3pm on the 25th February. Thank you.
HARDSEQUENCE promoters :
CHRISTINA 012.622.7856
EDDY 017.578.2017
JON 012.382.0173
BEN 012.303.0622
KOK WING 012.663.4560
OR email hs@bassagents.com