Hardsequance @ Saxophone 11.2.2006

Awesome and Pack!!

DJ Rotifish & Damien K in the house!

On a normal night, Saxophone Club is as empty as my high school library. But tonight, it was packed like a can of sardines.

Tons of shufflers, non shufflers were rare.

Spot Sow & Amos..

Didjital warmed up but his set was as if he was ending the night. Pure Hard style I tell you. DJ Damien K vs DJ RotiFish (Big Ben) was next. Big Ben had so many supported until his non raving friends came over to support him.

Damien K & Big Ben

Sow, HHH, Umeng, Tay and I took a break after Damien and Rotifish’s set. Although I’m a huge fan of hard stuff, I had to take a break from the hard music. During the break, we planned for another round of the PJ v Old Klang Road drinking competition. But Saxophone’s alcohol was taking a toll on our wallets. RM58 for a bucket (4 bottles) of lousy Skol beer! Then Sow came up with a brilliant idea.

Sow: You know what, I got a good idea on how to get drunk quickly. Let’s buy a jug of long island tea and drink it with straws!!!
After 2 Jugs…



Callie & Niekon (Catch DJ Niekon in action in the next HS!)

Me, TwinkyBlueFairy & Guy

Ithinkhe’sSober Kit, Don & Umeng

Confirm.ComNotSober Gavin & Sze Wei

Umeng’s sister & Huei Lan?

Big Ben thinks he’s in the 60s , as for Tay… no comment 😛
GanGaGuGu’s set was the last. One of the enjoyable parts of Ganjaguru’s set is his performance. His twists, facial expressions and swings made the songs more enjoyable.

Umeng: (while looking @ Ganjaguru): Damn ying weiii
Me: Yeah man…… damn drama

Cant wait for the next HS on 25.2.2006!

Details: http://xes.cx/forum/viewtopic.php?p=6526#6526

HARDSEQUENCE @ SAXOPHONE, KL – Saturday, 11 Feb 06

Bass Agents (”Best New Local Dj” – JUICE Readers Choice Award (2005), and DarkRaverz reunite with Hardsequence (”Best New Local Night” & “Most up for it crowd” – JUICE Readers Choice Award (2005), to bring you an arsenal of hard hitting beats to stimulate your mind, body and soul.

February also brings in a special treat all the way from Australia for all you Hard Dance fanatics. Bass Agent, Ganjaguru from Melbourne will attempt to seduce and intoxicate your senses with his hard driving bass lines and a dash of Hardstyle. Ganjaguru is known for his residencies at ‘Elevation’ at Altitude (Melbourne), ‘Tuned’ at the Tunnel (Melbourne) as well as being a regular guest at PHD and the rest of the Asian collective.

And to all Hardsequence supporters, the 3rd edition T-shirts will be on sale for RM40 that night in various sizes. Alternatively, you can contact one our promoters for more details.

VENUE: SAXOPHONE Club @ Jalan P. Ramlee, Kuala Lumpur (Next to Bar IBIZA)
TIME: 10PM till 3AM
ADMISSION: RM25 + 1D (presale) RM35 + 1D (door sales)
Presale admission is BEFORE 11.30pm.
DRESSCODE: Funky wear, dress to EXPRESS not to impress.
NO attitudes. ONLY happy people! NO rest for the wicked.
PRESALES: Please confirm your bookings with your HardSequence Promoter BEFORE 3pm on the 11th February. Thank you.
**FIRST 50 get a FREE 3rd Edition HARDSEQUENCE CD!**
and LIVE VISUAL EFFECTS by Didjital & Drive
CHRISTINA 012.622.7856
EDDY 017.578.2017
JON 012.382.0173
BEN 012.303.0622
KOK WING 012.663.4560

Shotgunning procedure

Text Source: Wikipedia

Shotgunning is a means of consuming a canned beverage, especially beer, very quickly by a particular technique involving punching a hole in the side of the can near the bottom.

Punching a hole

To shotgun a beverage, place the can on a flat surface (very important!) and then punch a hole on the side of the beer can. Make sure it’s parallel to the mouthpiece. This is usually done using a key or other sharp instruments.

Hole punched

The drinker then places this hole to his or her lips, tilts the can right-side-up, and pulls the tab in the usual manner. The combined effects of gravity and the pressure change that follow when the tab is pulled cause the beverage to be forced out of the can, and into the drinker’s mouth, very rapidly. Unless one is skilled in this technique, it is easy to become soaked as the drink rushes out of the can.


Warning! Excessive shotgunning would lead to this..

Aman Suria 7-11

Since most pubs and clubs closes at 3AM, alcoholics like the likes of Umeng, Tay, Kok Wing and Big Ben had to find new places to quench their thirst. Aman Suria 7-11 is our new hangout place. The place is quiet and beer is readily available.

The rivalry between Old Klang Road and PJ is getting tense lately. Both camps claim that they could drink better than each other. So this time round, it’s Tay, Umeng and I against Big Ben and Kok Wing. Sitting by the road side, with DJ Kutski’s music blaring out from my car and tons of beer to compete, we started off sip by sip. Then some one went overboard by suggesting that we shotgun our beers.

Shotgunning is a means of consuming a canned beverage, especially beer, very quickly by a particular technique involving punching a hole in the side of the can near the bottom.[Will explain the shotgun process on my next post]


The first and second cans were alright. But by the third can, I passed out in the car.

Big Ben & PassedOutXes

F*cker Ben..revenge, I SHALL SEEK!!

Umeng and Tay had to fight the battle for me.

So after 2 or 3 more shot guns,

Kok Wing surrendered.

Big Ben vomited. HAHA!!

Tay managed to dig out a piece of fuchuk from Ben’s vomit. It was a WHOLE BLOODY PIECE OF FUCHUK!! Looks like Big Ben swallows his food directly more than chewing it 😀


Tay’s car grew another tyre. HAHA!!


Old Klang Road won of course!

Disclaimer: We are currently not accepting anymore challenges or new participants in the Old Klang Road v PJ competition.

Ping’s 25th Birthday @ Decanter Too, Hartamas

It was a gathering of old high school friends. Everyone came with with one purpose; to bomb Ping.
Ping already had few beers when I arrived. The gang was playing card games. But few minutes later, a Flaming Lambo was served. After that, more cocktails came. At the time I left Decanter, Ping already had a flaming lambo , graveyard, AK47 and a BloodyMary.
We also got him a cake. It was white and creamy. I was told that there was a purpose behind buying a creamy cake.

Ping & his birthday cake

Continue reading Ping’s 25th Birthday @ Decanter Too, Hartamas

Bass Agents @ ZOUK KL 14.1.2006l

One word, AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Bass Agents for the guest list. And my personal thanks to didjital for the help. I pledge my utmost support to the Bass Agents! Wee! And of course, thanks to those who helped, you know who you are, I can’t reveal what has happened!

Fono warmed up for the Bass Agents until 1PM. As soon as BA took over, hard thumping hard style started playing. The crowd lifted their hands up in the air. It was ala Nazi hand salute.

Kenneth and Hoong – The Bass Agents

We had 8 bottles of Black Label opened. Drinks were flowing non stop. So was my money. And so was my soberness. Yet another mabuk (drunk) session!

Bass Agents @ ZOUK Video – Anyone knows whats the title of this song ?

The legendary Uncle Shuffler in action.

Birthday Boy Sow and Big Ben

Tay and Kok Wing – Tay was about to put his tongue through his fingers too bad my camera was faster.

Sam and Don

JaCJaC & Brisbane Sharon

Christina and TwinkyBlueFairy

Sow, TwinkyBlueFairy, Brisbane Sharon and I

Red Lobster Me & eraine

Towards the end of the night, the music got harder. The crowd went crazy.

The Bass Agents continue spinning even though the time limit of 3AM has passed and the air condition has been turned off. Loads of people stayed on even though the night has ended.

A Class performance I would say. Furry Gostan, please go home!

January Events

DJ Maverick live @ Mambo, Penang 14.1.2006 & Saxa bar 21.1.2005
Veteran DJ Maverick will be spinning at 2 locations, Penang & Kuala Lumpur!
1st – Mambo, Penang 14.1.2006


Intimate ft. The Slayerz & Maverick @ Sax Bar, Kuala Lumpur 21.1.2006
The Grand Modesto’s, Jln. P Ramlee, KL.

Indulge in close encounters of the sensual kind as Sax Bar steps up to the plate and gives you 3 weekends of revelry on P Ramlee. House rules apply here as The Slayerz and Bryan Burger flip open their DJ box and fling four:four beats to the floor. 10pm. RM40, presale RM30, inc. 1 drink. Reservation package available at RM1500 inc. 3 bottles of liquor and VIP entry for 10 pax. For info and reservations, call Oscar at 012-396 1995 or e-mail info@sevenrecords.net.
[Source: http://www.juiceonline.com]

For the very first time in Zouk KL history, the BA boys will be showcasing their talents. Their mission is to infect the minds and attempt to convince the masses that Hard Dance is in fact here to stay.
Here at Zouk KL for 1 night only, cranking up the bass and burning up the dance floor are the Bass Agents – Best New Local DJs (Readers Choice), Best New Club Night (Readers Choice) and Most Up For It Crowd (Readers Choice) by Juice Magazine 2005. So join Didjital, XT-Acid and Fono – Best Local DJ (Readers Choice) as they infuse Hard Dance and Trance to feverish heights at Zouk’s very own trance night, Voodoo – Best New Club Night (Local)


RM25 before 11pm /// RM30 (ladies) RM35 (men) after 11pm.


Once again ULTIMATE DANCE is back, and this time as an album promotion party featuring Dr. Willis’ and the Organ Donors latest release; Audio Surgery! Expect what you always had from UD but now better yet again!
Ultimate Dance feat. Dr. Willis will be happening at the following :

Date : 19th January 2006 (Thurs)
Venue : JB Discovery, Johor Bahru.
Date : 21st January 2006 (Saturday)
Venue : Espanda (Kuala Lumpur)
Ticket : Before 11pm RM35+1D After 11pm RM40+1D

***First 100 to the event will receive free AUDIO SURGERY promo CDs***
For more details, check out the events page of the main site, www.tek-nicianz.com

Road Angels

Need a ride home? Your so called designated driver drank more than you? Grab a taxi, how about your car?
Call the Road Angels !!!

Hotline: 012-636 5775 (9pm to 3.15am)
SMS: 017-6666 575 (24 hours)

They will come and get you, send you home in the comfort of your own car and you dont need to worry about retrieving it the next morning (when you’re too busy nursing a hangover) – or when you’re getting lucky 😉
Website: http://www.roadangels.com.my/

New Years Eve 2005

Most of my friends decided to have a quiet new year this year. But I wanted to see fireworks hence I took the risk of being stuck in a jam and headed straight to KLCC.

But it only took me 10 minutes to reach KL. I parked my car in my office and walked towards KLCC. The roads weren’t jam at all. I guess it’s because of the heavy rain prior to the event.

There was some sort of free rave sponsored by Celcom, a telephone service provider. International DJs, Filterheadz and Above and Beyond were spinning.

Backstage. KLCC park is behind the wall. Look at the amount of people!

Since the rave was free, all sort of people ranging from tudong clad girls to foreigners attended the rave. Some were standing on the dance floor like they’re watching a show but some understood the whole concept of rave, hence they danced.

DJ Blink was already spinning when I arrived. The crowd seems responsive. But one of the Filterheadz boys commented that the crowd was a little bit cold. Quite true, I could only see the front row and the middle row of the crowd dancing to the music.

DJ Blink in the house!

However, as soon as Filterheadz took over, the crowd started dancing. They started off with some house and moved to techno. Filterheadz were great!

Filterheadz’s gadgets

17 Seconds before 2006!

As soon as the clock hit 12AM, fire works sprung out from the bushes. The first few blasts were great but soon the remaining fireworks were covered by the thick smoke. At last, fireworks!!

The crowd celebrating year 2006


Above and Beyond took over an hour later. The crowd were responding well. In response to that, the organizers threw loads of glow sticks to the crowd.

Filterheadz and one of the organizers

(L-R) DJs Filterheadz and Above and Beyond

DJ Blink, DJ Anatta & DJ Goldfish

DJ Blink, Not-a-DJ xes & DJ Goldfish

The rave ended at 2AM.

Unfortunately, 2006 doesn’t seem to be significant to me. It’s just another year. Despite the negativity, I hope for a good year!

Happy New Year everyone!

Barcode Presents Pre NYE Celebration – 30th Dec

Here’s a brief introduction about the event by Nd.

Dj V – Trance DJ, He plays all sorts of Trance as well as Hard Trance music…
Dj Francis Cobb – member of Bass Agents. plays trance but with a bit of N-RG.
Dj Dave Rankine – from Melbourne, Australia. Plays techno. He played in gigs like Y2KO (Millenium Rave NYE2000 in Melbourne), Every Pic tells a Story (Melbourne), TwoTribe (Melbourne), Terriaki (Melbourne) and many more…… For those who love Adam Beyer, Jeff Mills, Carl Cox, Luke Slater or even Will-E-Tell……I’m sure they will love Dj Dave Rankine.
Paul Van Dyke @ Zouk Club, Kuala Lumpur 3.2.2006

Paul van Dyke will touring Asia around Chinese New Year – 28th of January – 4th of February 2006 as part of his Politics of Dancing 2 World Tour incl. Manila, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Bejing, Huangzhou, Gunagzhou, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

List of PVD’s tour dates
Thanks J for the pointers.

Cowboy Station Kelana Jaya 2006 Countdown Celebration
Rather than fighting for car parks and fighting your way through a crowd, why not have a quiet night with western food on your table?
Food, Fun & Lucky Draws @ RM18 per person!
Also comes with buffet (think of Victorian Station equivalent western food buffet…uummmmm) and fire works!
Email me for tickets!