How soon do you introduce your other half to your parents and family? Is there a time frame you should adhere to? For example, should it be 3 months into the relationship or do you wait until you feel it’s the “right” time to introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your parents?
I know parents are often curious about their children’s “other halves” and therefore it makes an introduction necessary. But does it give them a sense of expectation? Is the other half obliged to join all family gatherings 2 months into the relationship?
Once, I ended up joining weekend meals with the ex-boyfriend’s family – it was made compulsory, that I couldn’t even make my own plans with friends! It was difficult, as the ex-boyfriend took offence. Yikes!
Noooooooo, my “crush” has not asked me to meet his parents. Phew! It’s TOO SOON! 😉
Month: March 2007
Below is the Final clue for the Speedzone Tour 2007 contest!
There are two words to watch out for in this clue. On Thursday’s The Star, 8 March 2007…..
* Flip to Page M16
* Detect article: The only one article on this page.
* 2nd Column, 3rd line
* The 1st word: Last word in the line
* The 2nd word: Put your newspapers aside, check your calendar. What’s the current year?
Now, compile all the words that you have found from the past week. Piece them together to form a phrase. Use your creativity 😉
Print the phrase on an A4 size paper and bring it to 1 Utama Starbucks (New Wing) between 2-4pm (10.3.2007). Show it to a blogger and win 2 free tickets to Speed Zone Tour 2007!
I remember when I first went to read law in UK. Everyone was so home sick for Malaysian food after a few weeks. Fortunately, there were some girls (as they then was =P) knew how to make some decent home cooked meal. Hence one day, Ms. S , Ms. C and Ms. MY invited a bunch of us over for dinner. I don’t remember what they cooked but I do remember that it was great.
After the meal since some guys came early to help prepare the food, I felt that i should do something. Therefore, i decided to help in washing up. Eating was sure easy, but washing…SUCH A HASSLE. I wash up the dishes quite quickly until i came to a pot. MAN!!! That pot was so black inside.
“Fuck la, don’t know who cook until burn the pot!!!” i cursed silently inside me.
So, i scrub, scrub and scrub for a good ten minutes. I got most of the black stuff out. Then, Mr. AN pop by.
AN: Hey, Frank. Why so slow one
Frank: malou, the pot very hard to wash la. So black inside. You see
AN: ….
Frank: You help me scrub the rest out.
AN: You should just leave it like that la
Frank: Huh? No la…later they all don’t wanna invite me over for dinner.
AN: Leave it la
Frank: Why?
AN: Because a non stick pot is suppose to be black inside la.
Frank: Fuck…quickly hide it somewhere. Don’t let them find out.
AN: too late. “THEY” already know
Frank: You don’t tell and i don’t tell. No one know wah.
AN: No, the owner of the pot will still know.
Frank: How??? Ooooh…you are gonna tell them. You wai hai sei (canto slang means useless man who usually sell of their fellow brother over favour from the woman. Real scumbag if u ask me.”
AN: No, that’s because the pot is MINE!!!
Frank: aiks…..
Spring Clean Your Life!
[Edited by xes
Below is the 3rd clue for the Speedzone Tour 2007 contest!
On Wednesday’s The Star, 7 March 2007…..
* Flip to Page M14 – M15
* Detect article: Pictures consist of women only.
* 4th Column, 9th line from the bottom
* The word: Just before the last word in the line.
From my March 2007 copy of FEMALE magazine.
One of the things I have started to do is to AVOID TOXIC FRIENDS. I’ve got too many of those who have the tendency to put me down all the time, without an inch of moral support. Stupidly, I kept the friendship going just because we’ve been friends for so long, so, what the heck. However, for the past few years some of these friends haven’t been nice and supportive, so I might as well let them go. Don’t need friends like them who constantly put me down and wanting to compete with me even over the slightest things!
Another is to LET GO OF EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE. ;D Tacky as it sounds, if you’ve read some of the posts I ranted about my mad ex-boyfriend, I guess it is time for me to chuck me out of my life – he as bad karma. I honestly don’t want him in my life at all, not because of being bitter, but he serves no purpose. I guess I should stop hating him, too, and feel pity instead and move on.
Yup, it’s time to spring clean the list of friends, nasty as it sounds!
And that leaves me with ……………………..
…. just 3 friends.
Just kidding!
Have you been spring cleaning, too?
Chap Goh Mei 2007
[Edited by xes
Below is the 3rd clue for the Speedzone Tour 2007 contest!
There are two words to watch out for in this clue. On Tuesday’s The Star, 6 March 2007…..
* Flip to Page B7
* Detect article: What if there’s a climate change in Kuala Lumpur?
* 5th paragraph, 3rd line
* The 1st word: 5th paragraph, 3rd line, rhymes with “cover”
* The 2nd word: Name the place where this news took place.
4th March 2007 marks Chap Goh Mei. Chap Goh Mei means the 15th night of Chinese New Year. Various activities are planned to mark this very traditional occasion and one of them is the orange/tangerine throwing ceremony.
In the past, Chap Goh Meh was one of the few occasions where eligible young ladies, transformed into scorching beauties, were allowed out from the confines of their homes. Eager gentlemen could only admire longingly at all the passing beauties, as the lovely ladies were always accompanied by an entourage of the fiercest looking aunts and amahs (servants)! These young maidens (and spinsters) would throw oranges into the sea as a gesture of hope to wed good husbands. To keep this quaint tradition alive in modern times, orange throwing has transmogrified into a competition of sorts, where oranges thrown into the sea by girls (single or otherwise) would be scooped up by boys in boats. The boat with most oranges would be declared the winner. (Soure:
For the past 26 years, I’ve never been to such ceremony. However, Ping, Yap and I heard that such ceremony is held every year at one small lake at Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya.
In keeping with the tradition, I have got hold of one banana from my Dad’s fruit basket.
Wah Bird
[Edited by xes
Below is the 2nd clue for the Speedzone Tour 2007 contest!
On Monday’s The Star, 5 March 2007…..
* Flip to Page B12.
* Would you rather be in bed to________?
* 3rdColumn, 2nd line.
* The word shares the same meaning with “acceleration”.
My sister took these photos while she was on holiday in home town…
rare looking bird in my hometown
I think it’s from a circus
P.S. Just in case, you people wonder why my housing area got so many satellite dishes. Well, that’s because i live in Houston, Sibu, Sarawak.
Jin Han’s Wedding – 23.2.2007
Below is the 1st clue for the Speedzone Tour 2007 contest!
Find this word on Sunday Star, 4 March 2007….
* Flip to Page S60.
* Nails come to mind.
* 3rd Column, 2nd line.
* The word is just before full stop.
First and foremost, I must congratulate wen dee & bimbobum.
Love is in the air!
but mine’s down the drain.. GG
Also, I must congratulate Jin Han & Chia on their recent marriage. Finally, one of our brothers has tied the knot.
In Chinese tradition, prior to the wedding dinner, the groom has to head to the bride’s home to ‘collect’ his bride. In Cantonese, this is called ‘chip san leong’.
The groom will appoint a few guys (heng tai – brother in Cantonese) to accompany him to the bride’s house. The bride, on the other hand, will appoint a few evil girls (chi mui – sister in Chinese) to protect the bride from the groom and the heng tai. The evil chi mui will plot all sorts of evil task to make the groom and heng tai suffer before the groom can get his bride.
Prior to heading to ‘chip san leong’
Around 20 of us headed to Kota Damansara to ‘chip san leong’. Of course, the chi mui didn’t make it easy for us.
Jin Han & the evil chi mui
The hengtai – our required attire was white shirt with tie and black slacks.
The chi mui stood by the front door with the first task, we have to pass a piece of seaweed through our lips. The heng tai had to kiss each other on the lips to pass the seaweed. After going through 10 or more lips, Kiang ate the seaweed. Yummy.
Things we do for a brother.
Upon completing the first task, the door was open and we were faced with more tasks which includes eating wasabi biscuit, frozen oranges and also singing while doing 50 sit ups. BanTong and Wai Keong had the honour of performing the sit ups. While doing the sit ups, Wai Keong sang a birthday song to Jin Han.
Ping’s reaction after eating wasabi crackers
Upon completing the given tasks, we move upstairs where Jin Han’s wife is. The final tasks were relatively easy. Jin Han had to answer few questions and failing to answer one question would amount to 10 push ups.
Jin Han & Mother in Law
The last task was for Jin Han. He had to sing for Chia. He sang “Forever Love” by Wang Lee Hom.
While singing, Foo Tuck started pushing the door and in no time, Jin Han rushed in to the room to find his bride, in a white wedding gown, sitting by the bed with her back facing him. He continued singing, walked toward to his wife and lifted her veil. At that moment, a man has found his other half.
The female hengtai
The hengtai
To be continue..
The Sex Addict
I don’t know if this is true, but I received it in my mailbox and w00t, I don’t know which one I wish I am!
.:VIRGO:. The Virgin
Dominant in relationships. Sexy. someone loves them right now. Freak in bed. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Intellectual. Attractive. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Hard to forget Love at first sight. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. Ultimate sexiness..
.:SCORPIO:. The sex addict
Can be mean. EXTREMELY sexy. Intelligent. Energetic. Predict future. Most erotic. (Freak in bed.) (GREAT kisser.) Always get what they want. Sexy. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. The sexiest ever….Romantic. Caring.
.:LIBRA:. The lame lover
Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone They meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing n Bed..!!! Did I say Amazing in Bed? not the kind of person you wanna mess with… u might end up crying…. the most irresistible.
Your blogger: xes
So I said yes
Hi, its me again. 😉 Been a while, hasn’t it?
Leong and I once talked about how we would used this blog to document big important events happening in our respective lives, to the point of even blogging about how it is like giving birth! Well, I just had one pretty momentous thing happened in my life lately.
My other half got down on his knee and proposed to me two weeks ago… 😉 I’m getting married!
I had wanted to blog about how he proposed, but I think that’s too much mush for this blog! I have heard many stories of things guys do when proposing to their chosen ones. I had wanted my asking-of-my-hand to be sweet and simple, with no music, no room filled with helium balloons, no flying helicopter carrying the ring over, and all that rah rah rah. And honestly, he couldn’t have done it more perfectly than I would have wanted it.
Anyway, taking note of bimbobum’s previous post about going to the parents before proposing, he did do the right thing of asking for my parents’ blessings before popping the question. I am quite sure I would have hesitated if he hadn’t (yup, even between my crying and saying ok, I had a perfectly clear state of mind to ask if he already asked my parents!).
While typing this down, I can see the little gem he gave me blinking from my left ring-finger, the inner me going ‘yikes!’ in a good way and the buzz I am still getting is… beyond.
And then there is the inevitable stress and frustration of making plans for the wedding dinner, which is beginning to creep in and jump on me. I didn’t realise it would hit me so fast! From the good date of the wedding, to choosing a ballroom, to the preliminary guest list – ahhh is this all there is to expect in the year to come??
Speedzone Tour 2007 – 7.4.2007 @ KL Tower
As promised, information about Speedzone Tour 2007.
Come feel the heat for yourself on 7 April 2006 at the Tower Terrace of KL Tower, as three international DJ’s spin off the party of the season. Channel V’s DJ Joey G will get the party started, first timer to the Malaysian club scene, Dimas Carbajo, known better as D-Formation, takes the deck next.
One of the world’s most respected, highly sought after and certainly most popular DJ’s, D-Formation brings his unmistakeable Spanish-inspired house rhythms to Malaysian clubbers.
Tech trance fans are in for a treat, as Marco V’s easily recognisable and uplifting brand of music is set to prep the crowd for the magic of the next DJ – the unmistakable Yoji Biomehanika.
Undoubtedly the fastest rising DJ today, Yoji is also in Malaysia for the very first time and is bound to keep clubbers in and having fun right up till closing time. Fans of Speedzone will also recognise the artistic touches of 4YOUREYE, back to tease partygoers with their crowd-pumping visuals.
My favourite DJs for this event are no other than Marco V and Yoji Biooommeeehaanikkkaaaaaaa!!
Never heard of them? Check out their videos below (which I found on
Marco V – Live @ Sensation Black 2002
And now, for the free tickets!
In order to obtain the free tickets, you may participate in this simple game.
Spot The Raving Bloggers (for me, retired-raving blogger)
The basic premise of the game is like that of a treasure hunt. However, in this case, the treasure won’t be an object but a person (ie: Fugitive). Clues will be given by other participating bloggers on their blogs, and their readers will try to find the Fugitive with the given clues. Upon finding the Fugitive, each reader will be given a ticket to Speedzone Party 2007.
This game is organised in conjunction with the upcoming Formula One Grand Prix.
The mechanism of the game is as such:
1. A clue will be provided to you readers in this website starting from 5 to 9 March, on a daily basis Answers are derived from the previous day the Star newspaper.
2. Readers are to compile the answers and form a secret phrase.
3. On the 10^th March 2007 (Saturday), readers are required to bring along this secre tphrase (printed/pasted on a A4 size or larger surface) to locate me (xes, not bimbobutt, not frank_romatic etc) at Starbucks 1 Utama between 2pm to 4pm. Other well known Malaysian bloggers will be present as well.
4. Readers with the correct password will be presented with a “WINNER CERTIFICATE” that allows them to collect 2 tickets on event day for free entry. Winners; names and IC details will be recorded for the event’s organiser’s reference. WINNERS CERTIFICATE are not transferable nor redeemable for cash!
*Tickets are issued on event day, based on the WINNER CERTIFICATE and a valid photo ID to prove 18 years of age. I must emphasize that you must be 18 years of age!!
* I am allocated 10 pairs of tickets to be given to 10 readers. Early bird gets the worm.
If you fail to win any of the 10 pairs of tickets, no worries!
Game over! Congratulations to the winners!
1000 clubbers will party for free at the Speedzone Tour 2007 once registered on beginning 9 March 2007. If you miss it however, you can purchase your tickets for just RM20 at ticket acxess counters nationwide, for locations and to buy online please surf Or, be fashionably late and buy your tickets at the door for RM30. The party is open to partygoers 18 and above only, and all tickets collections and purchases are dependant on display of a valid photo ID.Tickets all gone!
Tickets can be purchased @ the following outlets
> Axcess Office, Jalan Semangat
> 1-Utama Shopping Complex – LotB16, B1, New Wing
> Stadium Putra Box Office, Bukit Jalil
> Rock Corner, Midvalley Megamall
> Tower Records, Suria KLCC
> The Actors Studio, Bangsar
> Lot 10 Info. Counter
> Music Valley Midlands Park, Penang
> Music Valley Greentown, Ipoh
> Music Valley, Holiday Plaza, Johor Bahru
Pre-sale all sold out!
Pre-sale Tickets for Speed Zone Tour 2007 Are SOLD OUT!!!
Kuala Lumpur – Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Party enthusiasts flocked online and overwhelming crowds were spotted at various Access Ticket booths for the past 2 ½ weeks to purchase Speed Zone Tour 2007 party tickets. To date, all 4000 pre-sale tickets are SOLD OUT!!!
Partygoers who are still keen to attend this party but have yet purchase their tickets can come on over to KL Tower this Saturday, 7th April 2007 as early as possible to purchase the last remaining tickets at the door starting from 6pm. Priced at RM30, it includes one standard drink.
Ticket sales are based on first-come-first served basis, so please be there early to avoid disappointment!!
Speed Zone Tour 2007 is presented by Protein Events, in association with Tourism Malaysia, Sepang International Circuit (SIC), KL Grand Prix 2007 and in proud celebration of Visit Malaysia Year 2007.
For more info, goto click on Grab tickets.