Yet another nightlife post

Since the rave @ Melaka last month, there hasn’t been any outdoor raves to date. Most events are now held in clubs.
Lately, the Malaysian government has been contemplating whether or not to extend the night spots’ operating hours (from the usual 3am) so that to encourage tourism. I am totally against this. I foresee that the extension of night spots’ operating hours would create more social problems such as drug abuse. Also, before the imposition of the 3am rule, I notice that clubs, after 3am, are not really in good shape. During that time, usually after 3am, the remaining crowd would be the druggies, males, and more males. Most of the chicks have gone home! Bloody sausage party.
But when it comes to outdoor raves, I give my 100% support that the operating hours extend beyond 3am!

P/S: I’ve been promoting so god damn many Bass Agents/Hardsequance on this web for damn long, how come I dont get a logo on their flyers ah? How come ah? How come?

Wedding @ Felda Chemomoi

My Malay colleague F invited me to his wedding @ Felda Chemomoi, at the state of Pahang. A Felda estate is a small village with basic amenities. It was established by the government to resettle the rural poor.
The journey to Felda Chemomoi was filled with uncertainty. The map that F printed on his invitation card doesn’t reflect the real route. The directions that he depicted on his map were quite straight forward. However, it wasn’t that straight forward, my car had to endure 1 ½ hour of windy trunk roads and hills. It was like driving into a jungle. By the end of the trip, I found my back tyres bald.
After a 3 hours journey (was expecting it to be 1 1/2 – 2 hours!), we reached Felda Chemomoi to find that F’s wedding was already over! But yet he invited us to his house and gave us some food.
We sat on the floor together with F’s wife and 2 of her village mates. We smiled at F’s wife and continued eating. We didn’t exchange any words.

The venue

Continue reading Wedding @ Felda Chemomoi

Hardsequence @ Ruums, KL 17.6.2006

Once again, another magnificent performance by the Hardsequence Crew. This time round, at Ruums, newest club in town. Ruums, formally known as Warp aka the ultimate fengtau club, has been revamped to change their image. I remember when the place was still Warp, the place was pitch dark. But now, the interior is many times nicer, huge stage, nice toilet and even with pool tables.

The crowd mainly consist of young clubbers. I heard that during the soft launch of the club there were some 60 years old looking uncles clubbing there. I’ll blog about this on my next entry.

View from top

Other than the usual Hardsequence DJs, this event includes 2 other new comers, first one being female hard styled DJ Poison Violet and the second one who cannot be named due to legal issues. The latter DJ’s name was not revealed he was introduced to the crowd. I’m sure everyone who was there knew who he was but I urge that everyone refrain from naming him on blogs or any media.

From this picture, you can see Kinkybluefairy Joyce & WooKooKoo. Joyce is so famous until she had people approaching her to take photos with her 😛 Superstar celebrity I tell you.

From this event, IMHO it seems that Ruums has taken a step forward disassociating them selves from their old fengtau image. Next week, the Scott Project & the Bass Agents @ Ruums!

Mr. Liquid 2006 @ Liquid & The Disco, KL

the first thing that comes to mind when you see the words “Mr Liquid” you think of toilet detergent.. or is it dish washing detergent?

the Mr. Liquid finals started late, about 1145pm and the crowd was restless. but finally, the 13 finalists came on stage, and introduced themselves to the judges and crowd.
not everyone looks cool in sunnies indoors at night. ;P
then the strutting began.

Continue reading Mr. Liquid 2006 @ Liquid & The Disco, KL

Upcoming events.

Hardsequence @ Ruums, KL – 17th June 06

Ruums, formally known as Warp (thereafter known as Channel), used to be THE ULTIMATE FENGTAU club. Mainly a Chinese triad dominated club, I feared for my life during my past 2 visits there. However, I heard that the management decided to turn the club around to change its fengtau image to compete with ZOUK KL. With the most popular local DJs, namely the Bass Agents and the Dark Ravers, they now face a challange changing this club’s image.
Please give support to our local boys, long live hard dance!
For more events click below:-

Continue reading Upcoming events.

Germany ‘06 Kick Off Party at A Famosa Resort

The publicity given to this event was overwhelming. Newspapers were reporting about it, radio stations were blaring about it and most friends were talking about it as well. Further, I heard that although the official closing time would be extended from 3AM to 5AM! Also, I heard the venue would be bigger than the one at Sepang where Tiesto spun.

With Hard style DJs like Bass Agents, Kai Tracid, Thrillseekers, K90 and BK on the DJ list, it gave me the impression that the night is going to be one crazy night with hard thumping music all night long.
The venue is quite obscure, we have to drive through a small village that made it seem that we are driving to no where. Further, a signboard with an arrow saying “Dusun (plantation)” made us feel that we are going on the wrong direction. But the venue is actually a posh housing area, with bungalow houses scattered around.

However, getting into the venue was not that pleasant. After paying RM5 for the parking fee..

ivN: Where is the car park? (expecting a helpful answer)
Female Parking attendance:’s near the party…
“-_- WTF! Of course it’s near the party!

Then on the way into the parking lot, ivN asked another parking attendance.

ivN: Where is the car park??

The parking attendance waved his baton and screamed, “PARKING!!!!!”

Setting aside the unhelpful comments from the staff of the party, the venue was excellent (although a bit far from the parking lot). The sound system was excellent and entry was a breeze as well. I heard the venue is big enough to fit more than 10,000 people.

Unfortunately, the 10,000 capacity venue was not fully utilized. The place was less than half full although clubbers from all over Malaysia (especially Kuala Lumpur and Melaka) were aware of such rave. The response to this rave was a flop.

But I must comment about the beer. IT WAS FREEZING COLD. COLD BEER GAHHH

Jovi & I

Melvin the Liar

WillytheKid & I

Sharon & I

Edwin & I

Kok Wing & Jovi

Winkris! & I…

eraine & winkris

Johnson’s brother in law..’s bro

Big Ben. HAHA!

Ken, YC, Hoong & Jon

ivN & Jin Wye

Johnson & friends.

As for the music, the Thrillseekers got the dance floor moving. But BK slowed the night by playing some slow stuff. WHERE IS THE HARD HOUSE THAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO PLAY!!?? But my hope for a hard thumping night didn’t die as I was hoping that Kai Tracid and K90 would play something hard to save the night.

Further, we had the opportunity to meet Kai Tracid on the dance floor. Edwin brought him around the dance floor and introduced him to us. The meeting brought my hopes high as by strolling around the dance floor, he would sort of guess what type of music does the crowd wants.

Sharon & Kai Tracid

Kai Tracid & I

Unfortunately, Kai Tracid played electro and progressive trance. It was so slow until more than half of the dance floor left and the majority of the remaining half was sitting on the floor. By 2:30AM, 30 minutes away from the official closing time and 2 and a half hour from the unofficial time, the 10,000 over capacity venue was almost deserted.

Dancefloor at 2:30AM.

Feeling disappointed, we left the place at 2:30AM without even waiting for K90 to takeover. Yet another disappointing night.

It’s tonight!

The Germany 06 Kick Off Party at AFamosa Resort Melaka!
This time round, iv’N, gizzy, Sharon Dilirius and I will be heading there. Meeting Johnson & the rest there. Unfortunately, Sam is not going :s
As for Tay, he promised he’ll be there. I highly DOUBT SO THOUGH. I told him that if he doesnt turn up, he wont be able to get laid for 4 years. YOU BETTER TURN UP TAY! OR NO SEX FOR 4 YEARS!!
And next week.. @ Melaka as well.
TitanZ OrGans Present Project Stomp, Influences of Hardstyle

Featuring DJ Xile, Niekon, Bone, Xtacid and Learn .
Please Contact the Crew as per Above Flyers or Below:
Kuala Lumpur:
Calvin 012 330 0821
Amos 017 933 2221
Khinko 016 686 1045
David @ Averax 012 333 6535
Eugene 016 248 6130
Tommy 012 308 2715
Han 012 684 4788
Mei 016 912 2912
Maciano 016 643 3200
Tommy 016 612 6200
OR you may call up myself or sms Neh aka organiser at 012- 917 4894
Titanz Organs Management establish upon own sponsorship and foundation for Hardstyle music scene. In order to make us to support more talented DJ, your support are much appreciated by both our Management and Raving Crew.
To search funds, event and more influences in our country for more Hardstyle scene, is the only way our management making non-profit to enlarge our business by making more event on time to time.
We will have buses to going down malacca where we might charging slightly a little bit, however, this would be confirm as soon as possible.
Brisbane Stomp Videos
In Melbourne, they have the Melbourne Shuffle. In Brisbane, they have the Brisbane Stomp.
The stomp is mad I tell you. The flips and jumps are crazy! If I were to do that I would lying on the floor, bleeding from my head and foaming from my mouth.
Check out the videos! (Thanks ivN)

Clubbing in Ho Chi Minh City

According to Jeff, most of the night life entertainment outlets (partying, drinking etc) in Ho Chi Minh City are located in hotels. He brought us to a place called Level 23 at Sheraton Hotel. As suggested by its name, it’s located at level 23. Great view of Ho Chi Minh City.

Prior to that, I was pretty excited with the outing with Jeff, June and their furniture entrepreneur friends. My first impression of Ho Chi Minh City’s nightlife – a city of 8 million people, awesome music and happening crowd with hand up in the air screaming their lungs out!

Instead, they were listening to Backstreetboys and dancing to Savage Garden. WHAT THE FISH!!!

I knew I love you beforee i met you~~~ omggg someone please! please shooott me!!

Fortunately, Level 23 had a live band performing at that night. It wasn’t so bad after all.

However, the crowd mainly consist of foreigners. There were not many locals around. Probably that explains why they play such music.

On another note, we used to dread that all night spots or events in Kuala Lumpur must be closed by 3AM. Those were the days where we partied till 6AM (some till the next afternoon!). But if you think 3AM is bad, try living in Vietnam. They end by 1230AM!!!

Voodoo presents Fono and the Bass Agents @ Zouk 13.5.2006

Just like the previous one, it was awesome! The hard pumping music, the friends around and the atmosphere were just right. We had about 4 – 5 bottles of Black Label and by the end of the night, everyone was drunk. In a good way of course.

Also, I must record my sincere appreciation to Sharon Dilirius for bringing us in without going through the mad guest list queue. So mad till Tay stood on the same spot for 15 minutes and in the end decided to fork out RM380 for a bottle of Black Label to skip the queue!
As soon as the Bass Agents took over the decks, we were screaming our lungs out with out hands up in the air ala fascist salute. And that was what we did for the rest of the night. Bass Agent events in ZOUK is one event everyone who attend to experience the madness.

We also went on a photography spree, taking pictures of each other. Unfortunately, while in the midst of doing so, I accidentally dropped Ivn and Kelynn’s camera and cracked the camera’s LCD screen. Ops…MANY APOLOGIES!!!


ivN, Kelynn, Sharon and Red Lobster Me.. (p/s i get red after 1 drink, typical Chinaman)

I have no idea what they were doing..


Tay..ivN & Aaron who looks like he just got run over by a lorry. HAHAHAHHA

Master Sow!

Jin Wye.. ivN again..!

Jac & eraine 😛

the Bass Agents!

KinkyBlueFairy Joyce & KamSauToTheMax Melvin

Licia and winkris!

Ryan…sei fei chaiii ahhahahaha

Upcoming dance events in Malaysia!

Vietnam aside. Here are the latest upcoming events!
Voodoo presents BASS AGENTS @ Zouk – SAT 13 MAY 2006

The Bass Agents, (“Best New Local DJ” – Juice Readers Choice Award 2005), (“Best new club night” – Juice Readers Choice Award 2005) and (“Most up for it Crowd” – Juice Readers Choice Award 2005). Didjital and Xt-acid are back!
Taking it to another level with their versatile selection of uplighting tunes, crankin’ bass and their ability to burn up the dance floor! So come join Didjital, Xt-acid and resident DJ Fono (“Best Local DJ” – Juice Readers Choice Award 2005) as they continue to infuse hard dance to the clubbing community.
Christina has informed us that guestlist will be available this weekend. This is a chance for you to get into ZOUK KL, for free! 21 years old and above only.
She said:-

    Much thanks to the BA boys. But here’s the deal… we need YOU to either email me (Christina) at, PM or SMS (012.622.7856) me the following details (for database purpose AS WELL AS for the guestlist):
    Contact #
    Email Addy:
    1. Arrive at Zouk BEFORE 12am (that doesn’t mean you arrive at 11.50pm and expect that there will be no line! Arrive early to avoid the chaos.
    2. Walk towards the Guest List line in an orderly fashion. Pushing, shoving and cutting the line is not nice.
    3. Tell the door chick that you’re on the BASS AGENTS guest list. Smile
    4. Tell the door chick your NAME (you know the one that you’re supposed to email/PM/SMS me right after you read this).
    For example: Hi, i’m on the Bass Agents Guest list. My name is [insert name]. Thanks so much!
    5. Get your chop and make your way inside and look forward to a great night!!!

Many thanks to Bryanshuffler for providing the following updates at the forum.
Destination : Space . Arena of Star, Genting 27.05.06

Get ready for a sonic blast off as Chivas Regal 12, Malaysia’s leading premium Scotch Whisky, brings you an out-of-this-world music experience with its Destination: Space “The Voyage Continues” bash at Arena of Stars.
Destination: Space will teleport you inside a futuristic spacecraft as it voyages through the galaxy, allowing partygoers to live the Chivas life and dance among aliens and space girls as they move to the beats of world-class stellar DJs, including:
Dutch DJ 4 Strings (Jan de Vos), who together with Carlo Resoort, the other half of 4 Strings, is behind the dance hits “Take Me Away” and “Sunrise”
Mixup Crew, comprising of DJ Oatawa and Kolor One, who recently spinned at the world’s party capital of Ibiza with Tiesto, Paul Oakenfold and Shapeshifters
DJ Bryan Burger, one of the most talked-about DJs in Malaysia who has played alongside club land legends such as Paul Van Dyk, John Digweed and Steve Lawler.
DJs Gabriel and Leonard, who are local club scene regulars.
Destination: Space is a continuation of the ‘Another Chivas Music Experience’ voyage, which brings opportunities for Malaysians to live in the moment and experience the Chivas way of life, while building a stronger association between Chivas Regal 12 and music. So don’t be left out! Come dressed in your best space costume and join Chivas Regal 12 on a space voyage to indulge in ‘Another Chivas Music Experience’.
More info @
Hotlink presents Germany’06 Kick-Off Party 06 – 03.06.06

Location : A’Famosa Resort Malacca
Date : 3rd June 06
Time : 7pm – 3am
Price : RM60